Interview With a Cowboy

If you missed the so very entertaining story about our romantic trip to purchase a feeder for my feed truck you can read it here.

On our way back into Texas I whipped out my laptop and (with his approval) conducted an interview with Ole Jus. My only regret is that I didn’t document our conversation on the road from earlier in the day. From what I can remember it went something like this…

Jus-“Do you ever wonder where they make carpet?”


J-“Well you just never see a carpet factory anywhere. Haven’t you ever wondered where they are?”


J-“Probably China.”

Riveting I know. Below you’ll find our exact conversation minus the word “flatulence” because he wanted me to take it out. I’ll let your imagination decide where it might have been. And for the record, I DID take the word out of the interview portion…and put it back in above.

Me-Hello honey.

Ole Jus-Hello.

How do you feel about this interview?


You feel weird?

No. I feel like you are weird.

How is your day going?

Slow. How’s your day going?

I’m asking the questions here. What are you thinking about right now?

Putting this feeder on the truck.

What’s going on at the ranch these days?

Breeding the fall calving cows and starting calving the spring calving cows. You should know the answer to this.

Why in heavens name would I know the answer to that?

Because I talk about work all the time, but you don’t listen.

What is most annoying about me?

I gotta pick only 1? Your procrastination. Your inability to be embarrassed.

What’s the best thing about me?

So many good things. I can’t…umm.

So you can list the annoying things but you can’t find one good thing?

I think you’re a great mother. Is that good?

Do you think I’m a good cook?

No.  Yeah, when you wanna be. That roast was good the other night. Sometimes you cook really good and then sometimes you make spaghetti.

How are we the same? What do we have in common?

We both like each other. Kids. We like to eat.

What do you think makes us work?

Me. No…God.

If my arms fell off and you were solely responsible for fixing my hair and makeup, how do you think that would work out?

Not very good. Have you seen my hair?

How could you be a better husband?

Could I? Shoot that would have to be 2 blog posts in itself.

How could I be a better wife?

Be more respectful.

Am I more respectful than I was 10 years ago?

Yes! Yes!

Can we go to Mexico in 2015?

(Shrugs) I don’t know. Is my barn gonna be finished?

Is now a good time to conclude the interview?

Whenever you’re ready.

Any last thoughts?

Not about that.

I love you.

(Glares at me like I’m weird)


You have just been a fly on the wall of our love story…marvelous I know. You can’t make this stuff up…FROM THIS SIDE OF THIRTY.